We feel so loved and supported that it woke me up early the other morning. Those who know me well know that I love to sleep :). Well, yesterday morning I woke before my alarm which is set for 6am. It was dark and the birds were not awake yet. As I was waking, I saw an image clearly in my mind. The funny thing about images is that they come from within your body, so when you are present to them, they are really more than a visual picture. This image was also a feeling, an awareness and a message.
I "saw" myself cradling our newborn baby in my arms. Tony had his arms around me and all around the three of us, I saw what was like a sea of hearts. I don't really mean literally hearts, although that is how my mind assigned a visual image to it after a moment, but beings, hundreds upon hundreds of people, souls?, surrounding us like ripples in a pond surround the pebble that falls in the center.
An absolutely beautiful tide of gratitude rose up within me and spilled out as tears.
A dear friend shared this verse with me this week.
For I, the Lord your God, will hold your right hand, Saying to you, 'Fear not, I will help you'. -Isaiah 41:13I can feel His grace through all of you. Thank you for your help with bringing a baby into our lives.
With love, hope, and gratitude,
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